
  • Release date : Jul 22 2023 - 07:02
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

The meeting of the members of the Iran-Germany medical scientific cooperation desk

A meeting for reunion of members of medical scientific cooperation desk of Iran-Germany was held


On Monday October 17, 2022 a meeting for reunion of members of medical scientific cooperation desk of Iran-Germany with the presence of Dr. Okhovatian Director of Development of International Affairs, Dr. Abdollahi the Official of the Cooperation desk of Germany, Dr. Babak Danesh Fard researcher of Iranian medicine in Masih Daneshvari hospital, and the experts of Development of International Affairs at the conference hall of the department of the International Affairs was held.  


The first part of the meeting was devoted to the presenting a report on Dr. Danesh Fard's scientific-research trip to Germany in order to convey his experiences and observations to the audience as well as to offer his suggestions in line with conclusion of an MOU with   Duisurg ESSEN university of Germany.

The second part of this meeting was designated to posing challenges and providing responses to the university faculty members’ questions who had faced with new condition during the two previous online workshops and the initiation of research-scientific cooperation in Germany.      

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 129392


